Longbow and Traditional Archery Specialist for nearly 43 years and still going strong!
(August 8th 1982 to August 8th 2024)
Expert Longbow and traditional bow tuition with Carol, 20 times NFAS champion.
I had nothing else at the time. No feathers, nocks or points. No glues, no anything, just 10,000 arrow shafts! (40 years ago they were POC…and boy, did they have a strong p**g!
Over the years I have, of course, added Trueflight feathers, Sherwood points, AAE nocks, Boyton Archery shafts and lots of other necessary items for the traditional archer. Now Dal of Dal’s Archery is making my arrow shafts.
I have specialised in supplying traditional archery equipment to Field and Target archers for 43 years. As an archer myself I can provide help and advice on all aspects of traditional archery from selecting a suitable bow to ‘matching arrows to you and your bow’.
(Arrow matching is so much more important than most people realise!)
Unless they match how YOU shoot, then you’ll never hit the target with any consistency. Please don’t use rubbish for practice… ‘it ain’t gonna work’
So, if you are having trouble matching arrows to you and your bow, I have most sizes of arrow made up for you to try out, from ¼" to 11⁄32. Its not often a larger diameter arrow shaft is needed for field or target, unless you’re shooting 100lb plus…..!
Although I am a qualified National Field Archery Society coach, I do teach target as well. Beginners are always welcome, as well as those who need a ‘top-
Give me a ring to book your one-
Gift vouchers available for lessons and equipment.
Visits to my workshop are welcome, but do always phone first and book a slot in case I am teaching or been called away. I am usually open between 2pm and 7pm Tuesday to Saturday, but this can vary as I run shoots and competitions all year round.
The kettle is always on, but please bring your own Mug and biscuits -
For the last 15 years I’ve been trying to finish writing my book. I keep promising to finish it….but now I have the right programs to edit the photos….so hopefully!!!
Not sure what field archery is? Take a look at the following photos. Looks like fun? It is. Being a true amateur sport, all archery, especially field archery is a family day out. Once you’ve had a few lessons, either with me or at a local archery club, this is a sport that needn’t cost an arm and a leg.
Once you have the basics you can join a club, join the National Field Archery Society or the English Field Archery Association, (or both) and off you go. There is usually a shoot on somewhere within driving distance every week of the year. Entry fees are usually less than a tenner a day and some clubs don’t charge for the kids.
With field archery you get to see some fantastic countryside not usually open to the public, so you can enjoy the scenery as well.
Supplier of Longbows; arrows and their components, plus handmade leather goods, and the ‘Carol Tri-
Shooting for the camera on my range.
I have been a traditional archer for over 42 years, shooting in the English Longbow. (Can’t believe I’m that old!)
I have been National Field Archery Society champion many times with my 28lb (now 24lb) yew and hickory longbow.
I started teaching as there isn’t anywhere else that specialises in traditional archery instruction or gives the arrow matching service that I now do. I teach people from all over the World to shoot the English Longbow, as well as other traditional bows.
I also design field courses for Longbow Heritage Field Archers
When I started my business, on 8th August 1982, we were having trouble getting wood arrow shafts in the London area. I was about to buy a few shafts from the USA, for my parents and my husband and I, when I mentioned it to a friend…I bought 10,000!
Target archery, can be a little (or a lot, depending on your aims!) more expensive but still affordable pastime. The Governing body, the Grand National Archery Society, or Archery UK as its now called, costs a little more to join than the field archery societies, and the club fees are higher. Even so it is still affordable, and for those of you who can’t manage to get around the woodland settings this is ideal.
There is, of course, nothing to stop you doing both. I certainly do.
You won’t see quite as much of the countryside but some of the target shooting grounds are quite spectacular. (Winchester comes to mind…beautiful setting for the SCAS longbow day..and Dunster week is held below the castle. )
During the winter most target clubs shoot indoors, unlike the hardy field archers. But there is a lot to said about a nice warm hall when its snowing or howling a gale!
Can’t think what to buy for that special, different, present?
Why not give a Longbow Archery Lesson GIFT VOUCHER?
£55 for an hour, one to one. Or why not join in and do two to one for £85.
You don’t need to buy any equipment for your lesson, I supply all you need.
Just wear something with tight-
Below Dunster Castle
I can be found at:
Craft Cottage, Bookham Lodge Stud, Cobham Road,
Stoke D’Abernon, Surrey. KT11 3QG UK
01932 865181 carolsarchery@gmail.com 07957 276892
FANCY BEING YOUR CHILDHOOD IDOL? (WHAT! You didn’t want to be Robin Hood? Shame on you!)
With the English Longbow you can shoot all the different competitions and different disciplines, unlike any other bow.
With Field, Target, Roving Marks, Clout and flight, plus re-
Read on to see just how you can enjoy your bow
Shooting at the ‘Azincourt’ shoot at South Wilts Archery Club on the 600th anniversary.
Longbow Day at Winchester
Roving Marks
Including several thousand 9/32”s and 1/4”s
So I have 1/4”, 9/32”, 5/16”, 11/32”, 23/64”. Plus 3/8” and 1/2”.
Find me on FaceBook
The Carol Tri Jig
3rd February 2025 Update.
What with the cost of living crisis and ULEZ, that means I can no longer use my van, I’m just about still here.
After getting the ‘leg’ sorted I then got Lyme disease in September 2024. Thankfully I now seem to be clear of it.
Hopefully this year will be free of problems, fingers crossed.
And In the mean time I still have:-
Gift vouchers for those who want a ‘different’ prezzie for bithdays etc. And I have the usual equipment for those who need to top up for next season.
The arrow making machine for the 9/32” and 1/4” is now running and I have LOADS of these shafts now in stock.
As most of you will now know, Chris Boyton, of Boyton Archery, sadly passed away in July 2018.
For those of you new to archery Chris was THE arrow shaft man for many years.
Darren of Dal’s Archery (dalsarchery.com) has taken on all Chris Boytons arrow making machines, and is doing a really good job of making the arrow shafts.
Chris left me his ‘little’ machine to make the 9/32” and 1/4” shafts and over the last few years I have produced a lot of these. So if you use ‘little’ arrows I now have loads of them.
If I say so myself they are really nice shafts as are Darrens 5/16 and 11/32s
So, if you need any arrow shafts to get shooting I have most of them in stock.